Missions with Monty is informed by existing research in metacognition. In addition to such research, the potential of well-designed game-based learning environments to influence self-regulated learning and science content knowledge is supported by a growing body of research.
Metacognition is "thinking about thinking." But this definition is very general. Specifically, it involves knowing what you know and what you don't know, and knowing how to control your own thought processes. Metacognition is vital to success in academic settings, because knowing your own strengths and weaknesses can help students identify areas to improve upon and choose effective strategies to solve problems. Kids who are highly metacognitive evaluate themselves on their own knowledge, learning process, and progress in completing a task. This better enables them to expand their knowledge.

Researchers define metacognition as the knowledge and regulation of one’s own cognition. Students with high knowledge of their cognition know their strengths and weaknesses as they work. Students who can effectively regulate their cognition know how to harness their strengths and improve their weaknesses. Research has shown that metacognition is one of the best indicators of academic success.
How and Why it Works
Game-Based Learning
Game-based learning has been on the rise, and it continues to be a great way for children to learn while having fun. In fact, playing games is known to increase memory capacity, improve critical thinking, and reinforce problem-solving skills. With that said, game-based learning presents educators, researchers, and family members with a unique opportunity consider what it means to learn in a virtual environment.

Game-based learning environments are especially helpful for children with attention disorders; by creating a stimulating learning opportunity, children with attention disorders are more likely to stay focused. Game-based learning also improves socialization for kids that are shy. Shy students can have difficulty speaking in front of large groups. Through game based learning, these students can interact with each other through the computer, allowing them to participate with their classmates in a less daunting environment. Finally, game based learning is the learning of the future. As our society becomes more technology based, having some technology in students lives will be greatly beneficial to their future and ours.