Science Content
What content does Missions with Monty cover?
This module of Missions with Monty will cover structures and function of living organisms, ecosystems, and interdependence of ecosystems. Future installments of Missions with Monty will cover force and motion and earth systems.
Is the content of the game aligned to curricular standards?
Yes, it is! It is aligned to NGSS and the NC Science Standard Course of Study. For more detailed information please check out the science curriculum information under Game Breakdown.
Metacomprehension Skills
What are metacomprehension skills?
These are strategies that support deeper comprehension of texts. The metacomprehension skills employed in this program include strategies that help students monitor their reading and comprehension, such as highlighting, selecting a gist that accurately represents the main ideas in a passage, making judgments about their comprehension, and synthesizing information multiple sources and texts. For more information, please see “Metacomprehension Tools” under Game Breakdown.
What do metacomprehension skills have to do with science content?
This program is focused on content integration, i.e., science literacy. The big goal of teaching metacomprehension skills is to help students comprehend science texts in order to obtain information from these texts, thus enhancing learning from these texts.
Joining Missions with Monty
I am not sure if I want to enroll my students yet. Is there a way for me to play through the program so that I can get a better idea of it?
Sure! Just contact us and we will set you up with a demo account.
How do I enroll my students in this program?
We would be happy to welcome you to the project. You can start of by writing to us and someone from our team will guide you through the process of setting up accounts for your students. During this time of developing and improving the program we just ask that you help support our research mission to develop a high-quality learning tool for your students.
Game Features
Some of my students are ESL learners. They would benefit if the passages were read aloud to them. Does the program support this?
Because this is a program that teaches students to use reading strategies to derive an understanding of concepts, there will be no read-aloud of the texts. That being said, we do however have scaffolds (e.g., glossary) in the game environment to help students overcome any difficulties in reading.
How will I know how my students are doing in the program?
As a teacher, you will have access to the teacher dashboard, which will update your students' progress in real-time.
Other Questions About the Program
I’m concerned about the privacy of my students’ data. How will the program track my students’ data? How will the data be used?
All student data will undergo a de-identification process in order to protect your students’ privacy.
How do I use this program in my class?
That’s entirely up to you. The program has been designed and developed in a way that augments your classroom instruction. You can choose to use this program in your ELA or Science class. You may also choose to use this program as a primer before you teach the content, simultaneously along with your instruction, or as a review after you have completed instruction.
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